Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Heart Wreath Tutorial!

For the month of February this is our heart wreath!

Here is a quick tutorial on how I made it. It's super easy & even better than that it cost me barely anything!
Go find a wire hanger in your closet... (Does anyone else here Madea yell A WIRE HANGER!? when they say/hear that?) Anyway, untwist the top and start shaping it into a heart.

It's not perfect but it doesn't matter! Note the duct tape... yeah I didn't want to twist the metal together so I used the duct tape to hold it together and create more of a point. It's easier & your fingers will thank you!

The next step is to cut pretty pieces of fabric into about 6" strips. Remember this fabric? I used it for my Neighbor's Valentine gifts. All that fabric cost me $3! This is the second project I've used the fabric for. So cut and tie... it's that easy!
You're going to want to get it nice and full. Watch a movie or something, it's mindless & easy!
Finally you'll have this! I actually gave my wreath a "little trim". I cut the top fabric a little shorter to try & keep the heart shape more obvious! 
I saved a piece of fabric to tie my wreath to the hanger but you could always use a ribbon or twine.
Have fun & remember it doesn't have to be perfect.
Happy February!

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