Monday, August 12, 2013

And just like that...

I'm 38 weeks & 5 days pregnant... & very much ready to meet this baby. 
I'm suddenly short of breath & I having a rough time catching it. Not a good feeling. 
Indigestion is terrible again & I'm exhausted... to name a few symptoms. 

I know it is absolutely all worth it in the end! I'm thankful that I've had a fairly easy pregnancy thus far. I also know that I am blessed to be able to carry this child, so please don't think I'm not grateful... I'm just being real... I'm ready to not be pregnant! I'm ready for the next stage. The next chapter. I'm thinking this is how God designed us to feel! The thought of parenthood is daunting & can be overwhelming... but at this point my discomfort pushes me to be ready for the next stage! 

Come on Raleigh... your mom & dad are ready to meet you!!!

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