With so many changes happening to me in a pretty short period of time... I end up just marveling at how God has designed this entire process! It's truly amazing. For my personal enjoyment and so I can look back and remember some of the bizarre changes, I've complied a list. Please know I'm not complaining; I'm just marveling at what the human body does when carrying another human!!
Strange Changes thanks to sweet Baby Price:
- My hair is falling out already. Most women say their hair is thick and shiny during pregnancy... not the case for me! Mine is so dry.
- I have more zits on my face today than middle school and high school combined! Ok, maybe that's an exaggeration... but seriously, this is not my skin!?
- My eyes!! They've changed. When I wear my glasses I get headaches... so I prefer to just go without. I just can't see far away! If you see me at a distance and wave, don't be offended if I don't know who you are or don't wave back! (At least for the next 5 months!)
- I'm waaaaay more impatient. Ask my husband. Unfortunately I can see this change... but it's like I can't stop the words coming out of my mouth till I'm done! Pretty much immediately I feel bad for what I've said or how I've behaved.
- I cry. Randomly. Last week was worse than this one. From driving down the road and bursting into tears to sobbing over my need for grits & eggs. Oh, it's so ridiculous!
- I sleep on my side because I can sleep longer without going to the bathroom. Apparently this baby sits right on top of my bladder when I'm laying on my back!
- I'm hungry all the time. Well, to be honest it's not just that... it's that when I used to be hungry I'd drink a glass of water and suck it up. NOW when I'm hungry I really NEED to eat. So I feel like I'm eating all the time!
- Oh how I'm forgetful. I spent a solid minute looking for my keys yesterday at work. They were hanging around my neck. Yikes! There are plenty more things I've done recently... but I can't remember them!
- Sneezing and coughing is sometimes painful and usually dangerous... if you've been pregnant... you know what I mean.
- The most normal change but something that's so funny to me... my belly. It's bigger than it's ever been in my life... but it's tighter than it's been in a long time! HA! Not exactly what I had in mind when I wanted a toned tummy. I'll take it though... and I'll keep lathering it down in Bio-Oil! :)
I'm so excited to meet this baby. Pregnancy is not what I expected. In some ways I thought it to be more glamorous and I thought I'd be more maternal? Even if I don't feel glamorous or extra maternal, it's really opened my eyes to God's amazing creation. How detailed and intricate the process is of knitting a human together in my womb. It is humbling and mind blowing!
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