Thursday, March 7, 2013

The "C" word

It's the word you never want to hear your doctor utter! That's right, "cancer". Let me back up...

Last week I had a fairly routine skin check at my dermatologist's office. A questionable mole that I was worried about, was in fact questionable! They biopsied it... and I tried not to worry. Today I got the call with the results.... well she wouldn't tell me the results over the phone. Instead I was asked to come into the office today. I knew immediately that was not great news! I quickly asked Nathan to make sure and come with me to the appointment. In retrospect I'm so thankful I did.

We met with the doctor and she informed me that I did in fact have cancer. Thankfully it was caught pretty early on and was considered stage 1. She went on to tell me that they need to treat it ASAP. I quickly asked if today would work?! She gladly obliged. Within a few minutes they were prepping me for surgery. They continued to reassure me that none of this would hurt my baby and that they were very glad I came in today! They sent Nathan out into the waiting room and for the next hour they proceeded to cut me open, remove the cancer and then sew me back up! (I actually watched the whole thing... I'm not going to lie... it was CRAZY looking! Apparently I take after my dad and not my mom!!) 40 something stitches later and I'm almost as good as new.

I have to keep my leg elevated often, stay off of it even more often and keep it iced even more often!! Nathan took me to Chick-fil-a and now I will attempt to "take it easy". I'm so thankful it was caught early enough and there was a easy solution!

Now learn from me and get skin checks, wear sunscreen and don't be stupid! 
Yes, that is a hospital gown. I never suggest wearing skinny jeans to an appointment where you may be told you have cancer and might have to undergo surgery on your leg! You just may have to walk out in two gowns! Also, Chick-fil-a makes everything feel better.


  1. Oh my gosh, this is so random but..

    Mam posted the picture of you and your pregnancy test and I admit, I saw your comment and clicked your name. I too had Melanoma (stage 3) and I'm now a mama. Congrats on no evidence of disease and even bigger congrats on your baby!

    1. Thanks! I have my first oncology appointment today as a follow up. Praying for good news. Cancer is scary. So glad you caught yours too!!
