Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I'll take it!

As the last day of my first trimester closes I am ready to welcome the second trimester, or as some call it "the honeymoon trimester". I am so thankful to have made it here and to have a healthy little baby growing inside of me!

Today started off a little rough, but things have only gotten better as the day has gone on! 

I celebrated with a little (but to me BIG) accomplishment this evening. I made dinner! Not only did I make dinner... but I made fish.

For someone who literally ran away from the Costco samples of sardines (who does that?!), for someone who had to leave her husband to pay the bill because the people next to us ordered fish, and for someone who hasn't cooked many times in the last 3 1/2 months... THIS was an accomplishment. I'll take it!!

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