Friday, June 15, 2012

New Camera = Practice Shots

I got a new camera! I'm so excited to learn the ends and out of it. I can't wait to get the new lens I won off ebay & hopefully I'll get much better! 
First Baptist Church of West Palm Beach

South Flagler Dr. ... aka our front yard!

Isn't my hubby cute?!

This is our apartment! :)

FBC of WPB again!

Banyan Trees

The fountain behind Steve & Tina's house!

Some of Tina's gorgeous flowers!

Anyway... I'm enjoying my new toy! I'm so thankful for the gift of this camera.


  1. Great shots! What kind of camera did you get? I got a Canon Rebel DSLR for Christmas and I'm still overwhelmed trying to learn how to use it! I'll probably never learn all of the functions. It's fun trying though, and practice definitely helps! You're off to a great start! :)

  2. Thanks! It's a Canon Rebel Xti & the lens I used for all this pictures was a 75-300mm. The lens I'm waiting on is a 18-55mm which will be a lot more useful... & easier to learn on! :) I know, there is so much to learn!

  3. I spent the summer of 08' working at mfuge is West Palm and here are the things that stick out most in my mind:
    1. Banyan Trees! OMGosh I love them so much.
    2. Giant mutant lizards.
    3. City Place! Oooh, we loved it so much because it was only about a mile away from PBA and we could walk if we wanted to. There is a way awesome ice cream place near the fountain... I don't remember what it's called but it's incredible.
    4. ...and of course, the beautiful location!

    1. Yes!
      We live next to PBA... so City Place is very close. :) Maybe you should come visit! We can get ice cream too!
