Saturday, March 23, 2013

Raleigh James Price

We found out yesterday that we are expecting a baby boy!

You know how some mom's just "know"? I'm telling you, I knew. I've had dreams where I'm holding a baby boy calling him Raleigh James! Of course I've also had dreams where I order every milkshake on the menu...! I don't know what it was but I knew. In fact, when preparing for this baby I was drawn to all boy stuff. I made the banner we used for our pictures... before our ultrasound! And no, I didn't make two just in case!

Let me just show you... the first glimpse we got of our baby boy!
"My son is proud!" -Nathan
 We of course both cried tears of joy. When you can say "my son" it makes it that more real! The ultrasound continued and Raleigh was fairly cooperative! I had to move a bit to make him move. Here are some pictures of our baby boy:
Big feet like his momma. ;)

4 tiny fingers... he was sucking his thumb!

He is either waving, saluting, or dramatic... lets go with waving!

His cute little profile! He has a well defined chin, neck, nose and lips! Amazing. 

Our technician asked if we'd like to see him in 4D! Of course!! She warned us, "he may look very skinny, but don't worry he won't always!" She flipped it on and it was incredible!
So adorable and detailed at only 18 weeks! Amazing.  
 My plan was to have a quick photo shoot to reveal our baby's gender! Our sweet friend Jismarie Ramos took our pictures and captured our excitement and love. We couldn't have been happier!
The banner I made before we knew for sure! I was certain. :)
I saw this onesie weeks ago on Zulily and couldn't pass is up! Especially since Raleigh is to arrive right before Football season starts! (Check out Zulily, it's awesome!)

R is for Raleigh. We already love him so much!
All in all, yesterday was amazing. We now have a face and name to go with this baby growing inside of me. He was healthy looking, measuring perfectly and everything seemed normal. There was one concern though. The umbilical cord is supposed to have 2 arteries... but mine (ours?) only has 1. So far it's not been an issue! Raleigh is right on track. The doctors will measure him more closely now just to make sure everything is fine. That just means I get to see pictures of my baby more often! We have peace about him and we know God is knitting Raleigh together just the way He wants him. We feel so blessed and cannot wait to meet our baby boy in August.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Growing Belly! 13-16 weeks

I'm feeling much better these days! I must admit my stomach has been uncomfortable but I'm pretty sure it's only going to get more crowded in there! My energy is up and my sensitivity to smell is down! However, I've cried over my need for grits & eggs... and a steak burrito! No idea?

Anyway, weeks are now flying by it seems! We find out the sex next Friday! We can hardly wait. I'll keep you posted!!    
Not super bloated! How nice.
Celebrating the 2nd trimester!!!

Feeling HUGE. Looking it too...

Much rounder and firmer!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Reality Changes Perspective

Well, it's been 4 days since my impromptu surgery! The pain isn't too awful... it's certainly not comfortable! Since I'm pregnant I'm limited to Tylenol & ice packs which is kind of unfortunate. However, I'm so grateful to know that I had cancer and now I most likely don't! I think the brushing is the most painful part!

I'm not going to lie, I look at the sunshine differently now. Living in South Florida I enjoy/ am weary of it often. Obviously I want to live my life and enjoy the beauty of God's creation... but I'm going to have to be more careful. Good sunscreen is no longer too expensive for me. Yes, I will be purchasing wide brimmed hats for my beach days! Long sleeves are now sometimes a better option.
Reality has changed my perspective. Now that I'm someone's wife and someone's mom... my selfish desire to be tan (because I've been taught that's what is considered pretty) is just that... Selfish.

Here is to years of lovely fair skin and health!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The "C" word

It's the word you never want to hear your doctor utter! That's right, "cancer". Let me back up...

Last week I had a fairly routine skin check at my dermatologist's office. A questionable mole that I was worried about, was in fact questionable! They biopsied it... and I tried not to worry. Today I got the call with the results.... well she wouldn't tell me the results over the phone. Instead I was asked to come into the office today. I knew immediately that was not great news! I quickly asked Nathan to make sure and come with me to the appointment. In retrospect I'm so thankful I did.

We met with the doctor and she informed me that I did in fact have cancer. Thankfully it was caught pretty early on and was considered stage 1. She went on to tell me that they need to treat it ASAP. I quickly asked if today would work?! She gladly obliged. Within a few minutes they were prepping me for surgery. They continued to reassure me that none of this would hurt my baby and that they were very glad I came in today! They sent Nathan out into the waiting room and for the next hour they proceeded to cut me open, remove the cancer and then sew me back up! (I actually watched the whole thing... I'm not going to lie... it was CRAZY looking! Apparently I take after my dad and not my mom!!) 40 something stitches later and I'm almost as good as new.

I have to keep my leg elevated often, stay off of it even more often and keep it iced even more often!! Nathan took me to Chick-fil-a and now I will attempt to "take it easy". I'm so thankful it was caught early enough and there was a easy solution!

Now learn from me and get skin checks, wear sunscreen and don't be stupid! 
Yes, that is a hospital gown. I never suggest wearing skinny jeans to an appointment where you may be told you have cancer and might have to undergo surgery on your leg! You just may have to walk out in two gowns! Also, Chick-fil-a makes everything feel better.

four down... five to go!

Well, that went by fast. Today we celebrate 16 weeks! In just 15 days we'll hopefully find out if Baby Price is a she or a he!! So very exciting.

With so many changes happening to me in a pretty short period of time... I end up just marveling at how God has designed this entire process! It's truly amazing. For my personal enjoyment and so I can look back and remember some of the bizarre changes, I've complied a list. Please know I'm not complaining; I'm just marveling at what the human body does when carrying another human!! 

Strange Changes thanks to sweet Baby Price:

  1. My hair is falling out already. Most women say their hair is thick and shiny during pregnancy... not the case for me! Mine is so dry.
  2. I have more zits on my face today than middle school and high school combined! Ok, maybe that's an exaggeration... but seriously, this is not my skin!?
  3. My eyes!! They've changed. When I wear my glasses I get headaches... so I prefer to just go without. I just can't see far away! If you see me at a distance and wave, don't be offended if I don't know who you are or don't wave back! (At least for the next 5 months!)
  4. I'm waaaaay more impatient. Ask my husband. Unfortunately I can see this change... but it's like I can't stop the words coming out of my mouth till I'm done! Pretty much immediately I feel bad for what I've said or how I've behaved. 
  5. I cry. Randomly. Last week was worse than this one. From driving down the road and bursting into tears to sobbing over my need for grits & eggs. Oh, it's so ridiculous! 
  6. I sleep on my side because I can sleep longer without going to the bathroom. Apparently this baby sits right on top of my bladder when I'm laying on my back!
  7.  I'm hungry all the time. Well, to be honest it's not just that... it's that when I used to be hungry I'd drink a glass of water and suck it up. NOW when I'm hungry I really NEED to eat. So I feel like I'm eating all the time!
  8. Oh how I'm forgetful. I spent a solid minute looking for my keys yesterday at work. They were hanging around my neck. Yikes! There are plenty more things I've done recently... but I can't remember them! 
  9. Sneezing and coughing is sometimes painful and usually dangerous... if you've been pregnant... you know what I mean.
  10. The most normal change but something that's so funny to me... my belly. It's bigger than it's ever been in my life... but it's tighter than it's been in a long time! HA! Not exactly what I had in mind when I wanted a toned tummy. I'll take it though... and I'll keep lathering it down in Bio-Oil! :)  
So, those are just some of the changes I've noticed without being too gross! I'm sure my husband could tell you a few more... but he's a pretty smart man!

I'm so excited to meet this baby. Pregnancy is not what I expected. In some ways I thought it to be more glamorous and I thought I'd be more maternal? Even if I don't feel glamorous or extra maternal, it's really opened my eyes to God's amazing creation. How detailed and intricate the process is of knitting a human together in my womb. It is humbling and mind blowing!