Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Two Months

No seriously... time slow down! How has it been two months since Raleigh was born?! It has been the greatest two months of our lives. He is a great baby. Sometimes we'll look at him & ask ourselves how we have such a cute baby!

Raleigh is growing way too fast. Way. Too. Fast.

I love his little pensive looks! {Those eyebrows KILL me!!}

Oh... and that grin!

Around 6 weeks old... Raleigh discovered his tongue! He's pretty cute.
 A few dates to remember:

October 17th- while in the bathtub Raleigh grabbed my fingers so I pulled up a little... he then stretched out his legs and stood up!!! No really, the kid stood up. I yelled to Nathan & then within 30 seconds Raleigh FLIPPED out! I think he got cold. {He hates getting out of the water}. Of course I was afraid he hurt himself! What 8 week old pulls up and stands?!

October 13th- Raleigh went to the nursery for the first time at church. Mommy almost cried... it was a close call!

October 12th- Raleigh's first trip to the pool! Auntie Katherine, mommy & Raleigh all joined Sunshine at her rooftop pool. Apparently Raleigh likes to sleep by poolside!

October 10th- Raleigh's first trip to the mall! Mommy realized how much she really loves Nordstrom! They provide a lounge for nursing moms... oh, and free wifi! Pretty awesome.

October 4th- Raleigh met his great grandma... the one & only Maw Maw! He also got to see his Grandee again. {More on that visit later!}

Sweet baby toes.

Look who is getting thigh rolls!!! YAY!

Raleigh's likes:
bath time
sleep {at night... thank the Lord!}
his swing
his activity mat
daddy's silly voice
mommy's silly songs
his monkey comfort blanket
his crib mobile

Raleigh's dislikes:
loud startling noises
riding in the car at night
waiting to be fed
pooping inside of diapers ;)
getting out of the bathtub

It's funny how quickly he has changed & how much  better we're reading his ques! We're getting to know our son & he is pretty incredible.

Happy two months to our happy, go lucky, sweet baby boy!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

October 6th

If you talk to me long enough you'll learn about my best friend, Whitney. It's because we were pretty much attached at the hip & most of my hilarious stories include her! She is so much like me & at the same time perfectly opposite. We joked we'd make the perfect wife with our talents combined! She loved cooking & I loved baking. I liked crafting & making home a "home" & she liked cleaning it! She loved laundry & I loved... wearing clothes? Ok, she was the better house keeper between the two of us... & lots of days I wish she were around to clean up after me!! ;) 

Back up to October 6, 1987... my baby calendar reads "Elizabeth has a new playmate, Whitney Morgan Beach was born!" Although we grew up cities apart we still got together when our parents did. 
Little did we know... we'd become best of friends!

God is so good. Not only did he provide me with a sweet friend to go through life with; He lined up our lives so we could share each other's burdens, ask each other advice & share joys.  

We married our husbands 3 months apart from each other! 

Got pregnant 1 month apart from each other! 

And gave birth to our sons... 1 day shy of a month apart! 

And today we both support our husbands as they launch new church plants! 
Who knew even 800 miles apart our lives would be so similar!? God did. 

I can't believe how gracious God has been to provide me with a friend like Whitney. 
Today, October 6th, we celebrate her birth! I am so grateful that she was born. Happy Birthday Whitney, what should we do next!? ;)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The mom cut...

I always wondered why first time moms seemed to always chop off their hair?! 

Well, I am now that person. 

It's been three years since my last major hair style cut... so it was time!! Not to mention Raleigh has started to grab my hair. Also when I put him on my shoulder I usually ended up trying to get my hair out of his face! So it was definitely time!!!

Almost an entire foot of hair off!! Unfortunately I couldn't donate it since I had ombré... which was a deal breaker for Locks of Love & Pantene's a Beautiful Lengths. :(

I can still pull it back out of my face... which was vital! I still haven't tried it curly but I'm sure it will be much curlier since there isn't a pound of hair weighing down my bounce! 

Sometimes you just need a change. :)